Peacocks in Magnolia Tree

Peacocks in Magnolia Tree
24" X 60" Alkyd and Gold Leaf on Board

Monday, April 21, 2008

Today I worked on Critters under the Sea like Trigger Fish, Parrot Fish, Jelly Fish, and Angel Fish. That didn't leave much time for painting on Giraffes or Emus, but I did get a little more painting done on the Excitement of Emus. This is just a fun illustration of a large group of amorous Emus, and one disenchanted Emu with a very disgruntled attitude. I will share in the near future. My sister Yakshi, a very excellent poet, saw my Chameleon and offered oh gentle blog readers this poem for all to peruse and contemplate. There are many Chameleons in this world, and sometimes we are the Chameleons trying to fit our countenance to who we are with and the conditions we find ourselves in. My painting of the Chameleon appears once again but peering into the night from the opposite direction. The pen and ink is of the beauty that is all of us in our youth, when we were physically finished, polished, and complete and ready to take on the world. I thought it fit with my sisters poem. However, it was drawn for a poem I wrote called Scissors and Knives, which I will share with you in the future. It is late, and today has been a long day of work so enjoy the poem, persevere in your art, and write whether you get any work or not. I would love to hear from you. Send me your poems, and share them with the world. I can always find a fitting illustration, or just make a drawing to fit. The world needs more music, poetry, art, and songs. They're good for lifting up the human spirit.


Anonymous said...

Anne, this black and white is beautiful. Really love it, the gentleness of the rendering of the woman and the peacock behind her is awesome. Reminds me of the old manuscript etchings.

HiLO Designs said...

great peacocks im going to use it as a reference. WHen you made your blog did you frame the pics with a separate program?

I have a blog as well under the same site its called HiLO Designs

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