Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wizards Crows Squirrels in the Woods

I have been really busy painting Wizards, crows and woodland creatures while at the same time renovating the house.  I'm trying to condense the contents of my bookcases and my home.  I still keep painting in the night time and early morning.  Here are some of the paintings I've done on Strathmore watercolor paper and Amate Bark Paper.

These are the hunters braving the cold, trying to find food, and having a hard time because all the mice are running around underneath the snow, and the squirrels are trying to safe and warm inside a nest or tree cavity.
This is the Wizard taking William the Crow with him on his Journey through the woods before the rain and snow.  The Wizard is based on the photos of Marion Skydancer on Deviant Art.  To see his stock photography than you can paint or draw from go to:

The Squirrels, delightful, curious, busy, and the "Fast Food" of the Woodland community.  It is not easy being a squirrel taking care of Squirrel business, and at the same time staying alive!

A Raven chillin' on a pine branch and surveying the grandeur of the Deep Woods!

Skydancer Portrait on Amate Bark Paper painted in watercolor, and he is the Mystic Wizard watcher and keeper of the Deep Woods.  This is what I've been painting on in watercolor, on Amate Bark Paper.  I also painted a transparent watercolor painting on White Strathmore paper.  I will post in the future!  Have a good day, and write when I get work!

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