When I get to thinking about life, and loves, and the losses we all experience over a life time I take up pen and ink. I have drawn with pen and ink since childhood, and love the medium. I love poetry and books, and enjoy reading and writing. This poem was written last year while I was drawing pen and ink erotica, and are the thoughts and musings of a very sexually experienced Satyr over the span of a life time. Perhaps they are also relevant in today's culture?
Who knows? The Satyr was done in virtual reality on the computer in Adobe Illustrator, and the border was done in reality reality in actual pen and ink on Bristol board. Enjoy and you can share, but please respect my copyright, and give credit where credit is due. None of my poems or pen and inks have ever been published but they would also like to see the light of day. If you would like to see more of my pen and inks and poems let me know. I have designed many Ex Libris Book Plates and love black and white illustrations. There is a life time of art work haunting the halls of this home. Keep pursuing your dreams even if they seem nebulous and out of reach. Aim for the stars you just might land in the tree tops.
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