While at the TNNA Needlepoint show I painted on a canvas of tropical birds I had started at home. I brought along many unfinished, and just started canvases to show how I work. I also brought along original watercolors to show how I let my watercolor painting inspire my needlepoint designs. I enjoy stitching my unpainted needlepoint canvases while looking at the original watercolor and choosing my DMC floss colors based on my painting. The canvases I paint for the needlepoint community are painted while looking at my original art that inspired the canvas. Other times with canvases like the Peacocks or the Mardi Gras Masks the art work it self speaks to me and dictates how it is to be painted. In other words I don't start out to paint a black jester, or a Aztec Warrior these "characters" much like protagonists in a book declare themselves as I paint. Then they refuse to go away, and demand to be finished. This is why on some of my prototype canvases the holes get filled in, after I've tried to make a picture with a light skinned human being with blond hair and blue eyes female, and the "face" demands to be darker, masculine, bearded etc. Who knew art could be so recalcitrant and demanding.
Enough about the masks. Here is a photo of the Original Art of the Parrots and Birds of The Crowned Jewels, and the almost completed canvas painted at the trade show. A big hello to Wendy at Aristeia in Santa Monica who was so enthusiastic about my paintings and the Rhino. You do have a fantastic, beautiful, and incredible new store. I don't know what the old store looked like, but this store looks like a very elegant, fun, and well stocked with threads home. What a wonderful place to shop, visit, take classes, and needlepoint. Aristeia at 200 26th Street in Santa Monica California is a must visit and see for all local and out of towner Needlepoint Aficionados. I am also going to put up my Gorilla Painting for I think it is Amanda Harwood who loves to stitch primates? If I'm wrong then you know who you are, and this painting is for you.

This is the original Gouache Painting unframed that inspired the Needlepoint Canvas of the same name "Crowned Jewels" Copyright: Chabrier HouseofChabrier Anne E. Shoemaker-Magdaleno 2010 All Rights Reserved
The Needlepoint Canvas has been adjusted so that their is a little more space between the birds, and the Peacock's back is a little more defined. The final version is going to have a little more neck on the African Crowned Crane, and a little more space around the hummingbird. I design differently for the Needlepoint Industry trying to make more space for decorative Needlework, and counted thread space between the birds or animals. I don't like only one or two stitches between the different birds.
Copyright: Chabrier HouseofChabrier Anne E. Shoemaker-Magdaleno 2010 All Rights Reserved
The top image is the original gouache opaque watercolor painting of an Indian Rhino on 2ply Illustration Board, and the bottom canvas is the Rhino I originally painted and Displayed at the TNNA Trade Show in the Long Beach Convention Center 2011. This canvas is designed to be a big pillow for a Black or Brown Leather Couch in a TV room or den. I usually picture the artwork in a room when I design it, and this series is for all the people who love to watch Nova's Nature, Animal Planet, and the Discovery Channel. I love animals and nature and that's why many of my designs center around the natural world.
As promised the next two images are primates. The first is an Old Silver Back male painted in Gouache on Illustration Board, and the second is a watercolor of a lemur painted on Arches watercolor paper.
Copyright: Chabrier HouseofChabrier Anne E. Shoemaker-Magdaleno All Rights Reserved
The top watercolor painting is of another Lemur and orchids, and the bottom watercolor is the companion piece that hangs with it in my hallway. These are done in transparent watercolor, and eventually may turn themselves into a Needlepoint canvas for your stitching pleasure. Thank you for the lovely emails, and kind words you have been sending to me and to Jellybeanstock. We look forward to providing varied art of the highest quality for years to come. Thank you for sharing my day and my blog. Write when I get work. Have a day full of satisfying work, quiet moments, good company and good food.